Digital Display: Store Makeover

Lili / September 14, 2023
Front and Back view of a Digital display.

Have you ever watched YouTube vlogs on furnishing a house? This blog goes out to the retail industry players. As you focus on purchasing fixtures and furniture for your store, you might want to consider including Digital Display to that list. In the recent years, the presence of LED Display has been greatly felt especially in the retail industry. In every mall, it is safe to say at least 95% of the stores have utilized LED Screen in their business. After all, it is a proven fact that Digital Display carries more benefit in advertising than traditional printed materials. That being said, there are many variations of Digital Display that uses the LED Display technology. There are Indoor LED Screen, Curve and Flexi Display, LED Digital Clock, Digital Signage, LED Video Wall, Transparent LED Wall and many more. I, myself am filled with great excitement thinking of the countless possibilities what Digital Display can do for your business!

For starters, let’s design a store based on what needs and benefits the LED Display can bring and satisfy. First of all, it is undeniable that our consumers are leaning towards an increasingly digital-savvy society. According to a blog by the CEO at Digiboard Inc. Co  , digital media tells a better story than any other medium. Digital media receives 10 times more eye contact and boast a 70% unaided recall. All these targets a key KPI for businesses, and that is awareness. The customer journey map when simplified identifies 3 milestones, awareness, engagement, and conversion.


To begin with, lets focus on how to achieve awareness. When it comes to external attraction, the Outdoor LED Screen and LED Video Wall excels best. The uniqueness of these two LED Display lies in their material and structure. With emphasis on brightness and protection, the contents on the Outdoor LED Screen are able to remain visible even in unfavourable lighting and environmental conditions. This is because the LED Screen carries a more powerful LED backlight and also anti-glare and reflection coating. Coupled together with an impactful message, it is guaranteed to support recalling.


After awareness, we look at engagement. When it comes to customer involvement, contact point and information display are key areas. The question now is what Digital Display can we use to facilitate this engagement. Termed as Interactive Display, the most common LED Display used are Digital Signage and LED Wall. These two are known for their touchscreen capabilities. Besides physical involvement, informational display also factors in engagement. With a Digital Signage Display positioned at key areas, products that are on promotion or popular demand can receive more attention. On the topic of Digital Signage, the use of Digital Signage Player is essential in content playback. Have a read at our previous blog on Digital Signage Player. A Digital Signage Player that has a built Customer Management System (CMS) can greatly improve the productivity and efficiency of the store. Besides those Digital Display with touchscreen capabilities, Floor LED Display and Ceiling LED Display can also contribute to a consumer’s decision making.


Conversion happens when a consumer actively acts on an advertising or promotion they see. This is basically when the purchase happens. In some stores, this can take on the form of self-servicing. This act of self-service is usually done using a Standing Mobile Kiosk. Zoom visual also offers Standing Mobile Kiosk, for both purchase and rental. Click here to find out more!

Even though the use of Digital Display is not a new thing, there are still many businesses that have not yet bought in the idea of it. Stand tall among your competitors! Contact us today to find out more!


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