The Big Screen Redefined: LED Video Walls in the Digital Age

Lili / July 25, 2023
Beijing's Sky Screen stretches above a pedestrian walkway at mixed-use development The Place

On 29 June 2022, Stellar Lifestyle, which manages retail and advertising space in Singapore’s MRT network signed a confirmed agreement with The Place Holdings, a Chinese property management and media company. The collaboration is set to build an estimated 200m long LED Video Wall similar to Beijing’s Sky Screen, which stretches above a pedestrian walkway at a mixed-use development, The Place.


Why do large building developments desire to build such large LED screens?


Mr Fan Xianyong, chief executive of The Place Holdings mentioned before the signing of the agreement at the Sands Expo and Convention Centre to the media that he hopes said large LED Video Wall can serve as a catalyst for new tourism and retail experiences in Singapore. The keyword is Experience. With a large LED Video Wall, the stage is set to attract and capture the eyes of the masses, what remains is simply the content that will stop passersby in their tracks. Moving on, we will be diving deeper into the reasons why LED Video Wall are used.

Nearer to home, we also witness large LED Video Screens such as one of Zoom Visual’s partners, Our Tampines Hub.



Why do people use large LED Video Walls?


Specifically, if you think about it from another angle, a LED video wall is simply a display monitor enlarged to enormous proportions. However, the uniqueness of LED screens lies in their technology, the panels comprised of LEDs emit bright and vibrant colours, making them ideal for displaying dynamic content, videos, animations, and visuals.

Here are some characteristics of Zoom Visual’s LED Video Wall.

  1. High Resolution:

    As Resolution is commonly displayed as width and height, one of the major misunderstandings is that Resolution equals Screen size. Resolution refers to the total number of pixels that could be displayed on an LED display. Depending on a number of factors such as viewing distance, content type, and budget. Zoom Visual offers both 4K (3840×2160) and 8K (7680×4320) Ultra HD resolution.

  2. Seamless Display

    The forming of large LED Video Wall is akin to putting together puzzle pieces to form a picture. The seamless display can be seen when individual LED panels stack beside each other to create a large video screen without visible gaps. With a seamless display and the option of varying screen size, the LED Video Wall can be customized to fit specific dimensions and aspect ratios. Coupled with specialized content mapping software, Zoom Visual’s LED Video Wall allows the content to be adjusted and distributed seamlessly. Hence, ensuring that visuals appear continuous and fluid, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

  3. Brightness & Versatility

    On the topic of versatility, Zoom Visual’s LED Video Wall are known for their brightness and visibility. With the option of adjusting brightness levels, the LED screen can be placed both indoors and outdoors. This reduces the impact of external conditions such as ambient lighting, viewing distance, and content type.

  4. Durability and Longevity

    For businesses, the depreciation of large purchases such as a large LED Video Wall is often closely monitored. This is why it is important for LED screens to be durable and long-lasting. With LED screens possessing excellent energy efficiency, they generate lesser heat and are much less likely to burn out.

  5. Content Management

    With the advent of cloud-based hosting, content transmitted to LED screen no longer needs to have a wired connection. Scheduling and setting playlists for specific content can be done remotely from a centralized location. Zoom Visual provides system integration and installation of content management systems allowing integration with external data sources.

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  1. Visit us at our website to fill in an enquiry form and we will get back to you within 1 working day
  2. Contact us at 62822508


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